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AMPO S.COOP. has received a grant for its Research and Development project entitled “NEW HIGH PRECISION BRONZE COMPONENTS DEVELOPED BY CENTRIFUGAL SPINNING AND CERAMIC MOULDS”. This aid has been financed by Basque Government’s “Hazitek” program.
The main objective of this project is to develop new high precision and top quality bronce components by the centrifugal spinning process and ceramic moulds, aimed primarily at marine and offshore industries. Consequently, AMPO will have to face a series of technological challenges such as working with a new material and the development of a specific casting technology.
AMPO S.COOP. has also received another grant by Basque Government’s Hazitek Program for the development of a new High Integrity and Reliable Double Expanding Gate valve for the oil &gas sector.
The objective of this R&D project is to develop a new gate valve range to comply with current sealing and emission requirements due to the growing safety and environmental industry demands.